
So anyway, Vizuina is back online (fură ceva probleme cu PHP 7/5, alea.. și oricum ați uitat)

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pauza la forum

Started by tapirul, December 01, 2004, 08:31:45 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


am primit urmatpru' mail de la hostator.
QuoteDear members,

We would be upgrading into phpbb version 2.0.11 Basically, the additional feature on this version is visual confirmation. The rest will be exploit fixes. The upgrade will take place between Saturday - Monday (we havent got the fix date yet). There will be downtime period of 15 minutes during the upgrade process.

Secondly, we would like to inform you that we are currently doing some testing on cashmod, zarath shop, quick reply, admin user list, global announcement, bank mods on our test server. If there is no major issue during the next 2-3 weeks, we will implement these mods on all forums. However, be rest assured that we have an option to disable these mods if you do not wish to have them.

Thirdly, we would most likely be starting offering ads removal + virtual/shared hosting some time before Christmas.

Lastly, we have just added new advertisement banner by RYDIUM at the bottom of your forum. Please report to the support forum if you notice there is an activex installer or any pop-ups. We would notify Rydium for immediate removal.

Note: If you have any questions, concerns, etc PLEASE DO NOT reply to this email, but post in our support forum at

Thank you very much
cre'că, nu ştiu...


bre, ati vazut chestia asta in capu paginii?

QuoteForum will be closed for Zarath Shop mods installation on Wednesday, 26th January 2005 at around 2PM GMT. This message will automatically be removed after 48 hours!

merry christmas!! traim in trecut!!
cred ca se refera la miercurea asta, though
ce o fi aia, zarath shop? o sa ne putem folosi muflonii si tapirii? Om trai si om vedea
cre'că, nu ştiu...


QuoteForum will be closed for Zarath Shop mods installation on Wednesday, 2nd February 2005 at around 2PM GMT. This message will automatically be removed after 48 hours!

hai ca le-a dat si lor cineva calendarul pe anul asta
Sa moara mama! Ba sa moara ma-ta!


Tare curios sunt sa vad ce pune tapirul in magazine :D
"I'd rather be happy than right, any day of the week"


pai, ar fi asa: trompe, copite, sushi, sashimi, coarne de cerb, pantofi din piele de puta de papagal... asta asa, pentru vitrina
Sa moara mama! Ba sa moara ma-ta!


ma, incep sa stiu cum se simt americanii, in ceea ce priveste schimbarea statusului de amenintare terorista (galben-portocaliu-galben si inapoi). intai au zis astia ca pe 26 ianuarie (care deja trecuse). apoi 2 ianuarie, dar nu s-a intamplat nimic. acum cica 6 ianuarie.

sa nu tot intri cu avionul in turnul serverelor lor?
Sa moara mama! Ba sa moara ma-ta!


Quote from: SC NehotaratiiSaturday, 5th February 2005 at around 6AM GMT

Nu cu avionul,doar cu ignorarea.....
You labeled me
I’ll label you
So I dub the unforgiven


Probabil ca le place ideea de festina lente,asa ca au lasat-o pe duminica.....
You labeled me
I’ll label you
So I dub the unforgiven


bre copii, o sa plec si io o zi de acasa si o sa lipsesc de pe forum.. Sper sa fiti cuminti si sa nu gasesc revolutia si tunurile.. :)
ma duc in Portland cu mai multi romani sa exersam pentru o hora ce o vom dansa pe 27 februarie la European Student Association Night. O sc poze neaparat, cu caciula si itari (cica primim costume)
toate bune
cre'că, nu ştiu...