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Started by tapirul, November 17, 2004, 08:40:55 AM

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Tocmai am primit urmatorul email de la un amic:

Medicament interzis
In special pentru cei care au copii si pentru cei ce folosesc cu regularitate medicamente; mai bine sa fim prevazatori: atentie!

Rugam difuzati stirea:
Ministerul Sanatatii din Brazilia, prin intermediul  Agenrtiei Nationale de Vigilenta Sanitara, a suspendat prin Rezolutia numarul 96, fabricatia, distributia, manipularea, comercializarea si inmagazinarea medicamentelor care contin drept principiu activ, subtanta numita:
Masura a fost luata dupa ce  "Food and Drug Administration"  (FDA) din Statele Unite ale Americii a constat ca substanta provoaca efecte adverse FATALE  (hemoragie cerebrala). In  Brazilia a fost suspendata folosirea medicamentelor in compozitia carora se intalneste  FENILPROPALAMINA (21 de medicamente, in special  anti-gripale):
1) Bernadryl de zi si de noapte.
2) Contac.
3) Naldecon Bristol.
4) Acolde.
5) Rinarin Expectorant.
6) Deltap.
7) Desfenil.
8) HCl de fenilpropalamina.
9) Naldex.
10) Nasaliv.
11) Decongex Plus.
12) Sanagripe.
13) Descon.
14) Descon AP.
15) Descon Expectorant.
16) Dimetapp.
17) Dimetapp Expectorant.
18) Ceracol Plus.
19) Ornatrol.
20) Rhinex AP.
21) Contilen.
Se solicita deci, tuturor celor care utilizeaza oricare dintre  medicamentele mentionate in lista de mai sus, sa suspende utilizarea sau prescrierea lor si sa intrebe medicul sau la Directiile Sanitare pentru detalii suplimentare.
Cu stima,
Médico do Trabalho
daca cineva are dubii: este rugat sa consulte pagina
ce apartine Ministerului Sanatatii din Brazilia  

am crezut initial ca este un hoax, dar am verificat FDA webpage si se pare ca e adevarat. Tre' sa recunosc ca nu stiam de chestia asta, desi anuntul e dat inca din 2000
info aici:
cre'că, nu ştiu...


da bre, it's been there for a while!
Smile! It confuses people!



pe aceeasi tema, recent s-a interzis efedrina( are nu era FDA regulated), dar inca se mai vinde pseudoefedrina, pe post de decongestant nazal. e drept ca farmacistii cu cap limiteaza deja accesul si cantitatea care poate fi cumparata. rezulatul nu e mai putin crystal-meth dar vorba alinutzei, ii mai incetineste.
Smile! It confuses people!


am primit si eu ceva asemanator, recent, dar parca sunt si alte medicamente plus mai e avertismentu acela infricosator de la inceput, cum ca, mai ales femeile pot muri in 3 zile de la inceperea tratamentului, ceea ce m-a facut sa cred ca e o poanta...

QuoteAll drugs containing PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE are being recalled.  You may
> want to try calling the 800 number listed on most drug boxes and
> inquire about a REFUND.  Please read this CAREFULLY.  Also, please
> pass this on to everyone you know.
> STOP TAKINGanything containing this ingredient.  It has been linked to
> increased hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain) among women ages
> 18-49 in the three days
> after starting use of medication. Problems were not found in men,
> however, the FDA
> recommended that everyone (even children) seek an alternative medicine.
> The following medications contain Phenylpropanolamine:
> Acutrim Diet Gum Appetite Suppressant
> Acutrim Plus Dietary Supplements
> Acu trim Maximum Strength Appetite Control
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Children's Cold Medicine
> Effervescent
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold medicine (cherry or orange)
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine Original
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Cough Medicine
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu Medicine
> Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Sinus Effervescent
> Alka Seltzer Plus Night-Time Cold Medicine
> BC Allergy Sinus Cold Powder
> BC Sinus Cold Powder
> Comtrex Flu Therapy & Fever Relief
> Day &Night Contac 12-Hour Cold Capsules
> Contac 12 Hour Caplets
> Coricidin D Cold, Flu & Sinus
> Dexatrim Caffeine Free
> Dexatrim Extended Duration
> Dexatrim Gelcaps
> Dexatrim Vitamin C/Caffeine Free
> Dimetapp Cold & Allergy Chewable Tablets
> Dimetapp Cold & Cough Liqui-Gels
> Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough Elixir
> Dimetapp Elixir
> Dimetapp 4 Hour Liquid Gels
> Dimetapp 4 Hour Tablets
> Dimetapp 12 Hour Extentabs Tablets
> Naldecon DX Pediatric Drops
> Permathene Mega-16
> Robitussin CF
> Tavist-D 12 Hour Relief of Sinus & Nasal Congestion
> Triaminic DM Cough Relief
> Triaminic Expectorant Ches t & Head
> Triaminic Syrup Cold & Allergy
> Triaminic Triaminicol Cold & Cough
> I just found out and called the 800# on the container for Triaminic
> and they informed me that they are voluntarily recalling the following
> medicines because of a certain ingredient that is causing strokes and
> seizures in children:
> Orange 3D Cold &Allergy Cherry (Pink)
> 3D Cold &Cough Berry
> 3D Cough Relief Yellow 3D Expectorant
> They are asking you to call them at800-548-3708with the lot number on
> the box so they can send you postage for you to send it back to them,
> and they will also issue
> you a refund.
> If you know of anyone else with small children, PLEASE PASS THIS ON.
be the best and fuck the rest!