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Reconversii, cum ?

Started by Qvadratus, July 26, 2005, 10:37:51 AM

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Mai, am o problema, am facut conversia unui text din Times New Roman in Windings, i-am dat save si am inchis fisierul (motivele conteaza mai putin). Cind l-am redeschis incercind sa fac reconversie la caractere de tip regulat, mi-a afista citeva pagini pline de patratele si puncte, astfel ca ciuciu text lizibil.
Mie unuia nu mi se pare a fi treaba in regula, ca de criptat nu am criptat textul.


Quote from: Boxes show up when there is a mismatch between Unicode characters in the document and those supported by the font. Specifically, the boxes represent characters not supported by the selected font.

One common situation is when the original text is formatted with a symbol-encoded font such as SIL's legacy fonts (SIL Galatia, SIL Ezra, SIL IPA93). The SIL Encore font system can also be used to create symbol-encoded fonts.

When text is formatted with a symbol-encoded font, Word stores PUA characters (typically U+F020 .. U+F0FF) in the document. If you then change fonts to a standard font such as Times New Roman, boxes appear because Times New Roman doesn't have any characters in the PUA range.

There is an anomaly that may mask this behavior: Word doesn't lock in the PUA character codes until a document is saved. This means that you can type text in Wingdings and then successfully change the font to Times New Roman (and back!) as long as you haven't saved the document in the interrim.

If you have Peter Constable's Unicode Word Macros installed, you can select a block of text and click on the Symbol to Western button and all the symbol-font characters will be folded to their codepage 1252 ANSI equivalents (in Times New Roman).

Symbol-encoded fonts are only one possible situation that can cause boxes. No single font covers all of Unicode, so you can have similar situations arise when trying to change fonts to one that doesn't support the Unicode characters needed by your document.

Am testat si merge, in conditii normale. Dupa ce instalezi template-ul respectiv (instructiunile sunt in oricare dintre fisierele .dot, mie mi-a mers cel cu 2000 in coada pe Word 2003), trebuie sa ai grija sa cobori temporar securitatile de macro execution ca sa functioneze. Pur si simplu selectezi textul in Wingdings, apesi butonul respectiv si, apoi, schimbi fontul in Times... Voila...

Nici eu nu banuiam faza asta, wow... eram sigur ca Word, la cate date suplimentare salveaza, pune si o copie in Unicode a textului, indiferent de font... e nasol :)
"I'd rather be happy than right, any day of the week"