
So anyway, Vizuina is back online (fură ceva probleme cu PHP 7/5, alea.. și oricum ați uitat)

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speed-up your browser

Started by tapirul, June 14, 2005, 06:06:28 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Check this out
The Emergence of True Convergence, and Is Speed-Boosting Firefox Wrong?

Sau Google Web Accelerator
Nu va chinuiti sa downloadato GWA de la google ca nu il mai au
QuoteWe have currently reached our
maximum capacity of users and
are actively working to increase
the number of users we can support.
Dar il puteti gasi la softofilia .. :)

Cu GWA vad ca am un issue deja: nu ma pot login pe forum. Dupa ce dau login apar pe lista de useri loghinati (ca sa coin a term...), dar paginea mea este inca aia de no logged in.
Merita incercat though.
cre'că, nu ştiu...