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clinical psychology

Started by tapirul, January 27, 2008, 10:16:01 PM

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Definitie (form Wikipedia):

Clinical psychology includes the scientific study and application of psychology for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development. Central to its practice are psychological assessment and psychotherapy, although clinical psychologists also engage in research, teaching, consultation, forensic testimony, and program development and administration. In many countries it is a regulated mental health profession.

Or, according to American Psychological Association (APA), Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12):

The field of Clinical Psychology integrates science, theory, and practice to understand, predict, and alleviate maladjustment, disability, and discomfort as well as to promote human adaptation, adjustment, and personal development. Clinical Psychology focuses on the intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behavioral aspects of human functioning across the life span, in varying cultures, and at all socioeconomic levels.

Precum reiese din nume si din definitie, psihologia clinica este o specialitate clinica, ca si medicina clinica. Prin definitie, clinic inseamna:
1: of, relating to, or conducted in or as if in a clinic: as a: involving direct observation of the patient b: based on or characterized by observable and diagnosable symptoms
2. concerned with or based on actual observation and treatment of disease in patients rather than experimentation or theory.

3. Applied sciences and professions such as clinical psychology or clinical medicine

Specialitatea (si licenta, dreptul de practica) de clinical psychology se obtine dupa o procedura de licentiere (similara celei din medicina clinica), supervizata de American Academy of Clinical Psychology, astfel:


The American Board of Clinical Psychology (ABCP) is a Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). The examination for Board Certification in Clinical Psychology is conducted in a collegial format and is intended to certify that the successful candidate has acquired the professional experience and possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high quality services in the specialty of Clinical Psychology.


Applicants must hold an earned doctorate from a regionally accredited program in professional psychology and have completed an internship in professional psychology. They must be licensed or certified as a psychologist at the independent level by the State, Territory, or Province of the United States or Canada in which the applicant practices .

Before application can be made, the applicant must have the equivalent of three years of supervised experience in Clinical Psychology, one of which can be the predoctoral internship.  Successful completion of a formal postdoctoral program in Clinical Psychology can count as two of these years.

The American Academy of Clinical Psychology is an organization of Board Certified psychologists in the specialty of Clinical Psychology who have joined together to promote high quality services in Clinical Psychology, through encouraging high standards and ethical practice in the field.  The Academy also provides member services, promotes the value and recognition of Board Certification in the specialty of Clinical Psychology, and encourages those qualified by training and experience to become candidates for Board Certification.

The Academy was founded in 1993 in response to needs for a membership organization for psychologists who have earned Board Certification in Clinical Psychology by the American Board of Clinical Psychology (ABClinP), which is a member board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).  ABPP is the organization recognized by the profession of psychology as the grantor of Board Certification in specialty areas of applied psychology. Board Certification in psychology is similar to Board Certification in the field of medicine, indicating a standard of practice appreciably higher than that of state licensure.  (Those who are Board Certified through ABPP were previously known as "Diplomates," referring to those who held the ABPP "Diploma" in Clinical Psychology.) The American Board of Clinical Psychology (ABClinP) is responsible for examination standards and the awarding of Diplomas.

Durata de pregatire a unui specialist in clinical psychology este similara cu durata de pregatire a unui specialist in clinical medicine: 4 ani de college, 5-6 ani graduate studies (PhD or PsyD), plus doi ani de "supervised experience in clinical psychology" (echivalent rezidentiatului in medicina).

Exista unele confuzii referitoare la diferenta dintre psihologia clinica si psihiatrie. Prima diferenta este procesul de educatie necesar licentierii: psihiatrul este absolvent de scoala de medicina si rezidentiat in psihiatrie, psihologul este absolvent de doctorat in psihologie (specialitatea clinical psychology) plus trei ani de practica supervizata.  A doua diferenta este natura tratamentului pe care cele doua discipline le poate aplica. NB, am spus natura tratamentului, si nu dreptul de a acorda tratament. Mai multe detalii (de exemplu) aici.

In conlcuzie, diferenta dintre clinical psychology and clinical medicine sta in natura procedeelor de diagnostic si tratament, si nu in dreptul per se de a diagnostica si trata. Din punct de veedere al autoritatii de a preveni si/sau diagnostica si trata, clinicianul medic si clinicianul psiholog sunt egali.
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