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Daca esti cool (chiar si termoelectrically cooled) scapi de seizures

Started by KC, September 06, 2007, 04:30:26 AM

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(voi vedeti pedefeu' sau nu? daca nu, ii dau un copy-paste, a la Beuran)
Tre' sa zic ca ar fi cam prima chestie pe care am vazut-o de prin termoelectrica (in care ma balacaresc de ceva vreme) care are o cat de mica legatura cu ailalta parte a vietii mele trecute.

The therapy of focal epilepsy remains inadequate. Many patients who have localization-related seizures find themselves either
overmedicated with anticonvulsants or suffering from frequent seizures. While surgical resection can lead to excellent outcomes
in up to 60% of patients with neocortical epilepsy, there are obviously many who either fail surgery or are deemed inappropriate
surgical candidates. We are currently determining the efficacy of local cooling for the therapy of certain focal epilepsies. We have
attempted to adapt new technologies borrowed from electrical and mechanical engineering to develop cooling devices that will ultimately
improve the diagnosis and therapy of these focal epilepsies. The present review describes the rationale for this research and
our progress to date.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Peltier device; Thermoelectric; Seizure detection; Cooling; Hypothermia; Focal epilepsy; Heat pipe
