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"Send to" - foloseste cuiva?

Started by tapirul, March 18, 2007, 10:41:56 PM

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...cand dai right click pe in item in windows explorer, exista optiunea "Send to" cu o gramada de chestii care cred neaparat ca dânsele acolo apartin. Ei bine pe mine send-to asta ma scoate din pepeni in mod absolut, pentru ca unu, nu il folosesc niciodata si doi, cand vreau sa ajung la alt item (de regula "copy" sau "cut"), daca nu sunt atent sa vin cu cursorul mouse-ului imprejurul meniului deschis si vin in jos in meniu, cursorul se opreste invariabil la acest idiot de send to, calculatorul inceteaza orice alta activitate si bîzîie cateva secunde pana deschide marele submeniu "send to". Abia dupa aia pot continua sa navighez in jos in meniu. Suna familiar? Ei bine exista o solutie (copirait Tipmonkies):

Please use this Registry edit at your own risk. You should make a backup copy of your Registry everytime you change registry files.

    * Open the Start menu, click on Run, then type regedit and click OK.
    * Find the following registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\
      Send To.
    * Find the string value (Default), then right-click Modify and edit the value. This is the value that enables, or disables the "Send To" menu.
    * The value already has {7BA4C740-9E81-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837}, which means the menu is enabled, delete the value, Click OK, and exit the Registry editor.
    * Now the value is disabled.

Voila! "send to" a disparut cu totul din right-click context. Du-te invartindu-te.

cre'că, nu ştiu...